Thursday, February 5, 2015


I usually do not have a problem with deadlines unless I have a legit excuse, but an excuse does not seem to be a solution. It is my responsibility as a student to make sure I prioritize my work and when it is due. When assigned an assignment, I try and make sure I get it done the day of regardless of the due date. I find it easier to complete my work when instructions and advice from my professor is still fresh in my head.I also do this because I am a procrastinator and know if I do not do it right away I will prolong it till it is too late.
Another way I deal with deadlines is by organizing what I need done and when I need it done with the help of to-do lists. To-do lists push me to get things done on time. Seeing what I have to do on paper keeps me on track. The actual process of checking off what I have already done motivates me to complete the rest of my list. If I find myself backed up on work, knowing I have a deadline for an assignment coming up, I completely drop everything else I am working on to make sure the assignment with the closest deadline is completed.
I have learned that teachers do not set deadlines to torture their students but to discipline them for the future. In the real world there are no second chances or extended deadlines for bills or office work; you either get it done or you do not. Not getting it done causes people to deal with the consequences in the future like losing their home or job.. If a student went through school thinking every deadline could be extended what kind of lesson does that prove in the future?


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog, because I also deal with procrastination and I don't know why, but its so easy to just allow yourself to put the assignment off. My mom also makes To-Do lists, so that was funny to me. Your blog was enjoyable to read. Good job!

  2. Like you, I usually make a list to keep everything on track. But I rarely complete all stuff I're supposed to do. Do you have any strategy to motivate to complete the rest.

  3. I liked your honesty and that is a big step in your process. You seem to be organized, keep it up. You have a strategy and that is sometimes required. Good luck!
